Since 1973, Truck Driver Institute (TDI) has trained tens of thousands of the highly qualified licensed truck drivers in America, who are hired by our 20+ carrier partners because our standards match truck driver employment policies.
Train on a safe, off-road, multi-acre driving range before hitting the road.
Receive support every step of the way from enrollment through to graduation.
Excellent financial aid options including: Military benefits*, carrier-paid tuition, and student financing.
Get job placement with top carriers with great pay and benefits in the trucking industry.
In 2016, American truck drivers moved over 10 billion tons of freight, generating $676 billion in revenue. Industry trends indicate that those numbers will continue to increase over the next 10 years.
America currently needs over 30,000 drivers. According to, the potential to earn a great salary in the trucking industry is yours for the taking. The average salary reported for a Truck Driver in the United States is $71,000 per year.