Are You Dizzy After Driving Long Distance? Tips From Truck Driving Experts

Dizzy After Driving Long Distance

Trucking isn’t for the sleepy. Here is a career that will have you spending long hours on the open road and sometimes, you just get dizzy after driving long distance. We all know how difficult it is to drive when you aren’t in tiptop shape, but imagine pulling a huge load along with you on an 18-wheeler. Take the guesswork out of how you can stop being dizzy after driving long distance. This article is meant to provide solutions for a very common problem from the experts at the Truck Driving Institute, who have lived the trucking lifestyle and know what works. Check out TDI’s tips and tricks when you find yourself dizzy after driving long distance.

Are You Dizzy After Driving Long Distance?

When you’re out on the open road, there’s a ton of things to worry about — strategic breaking, a timely mile coverage, maintaining your health and alertness, and yes, even dizziness. So, do you find yourself dizzy after driving long distance? This is a problem more common than you think. Dizziness has plagued some of the most successful truck drivers and can be a real hindrance to any voyage. If you find yourself getting dizzy after driving a long distance, it goes without saying that the best tip is to find out why. You should know some of the most likely reasons dizziness occurs in order to prevent them from happening or have a solution prepared when you find yourself dizzy. 

Keep reading to find out if any of these causes sound possible for you. 

Possible Causes for Dizziness

When you find yourself dizzy after driving long distance, there may be a whole slew of reasons why. Dizziness is definitely not “one size fits all” and your dizziness could depend on several aspects. If you are seeking answers to ease your dizziness, it’s vital that you root out the issue. So, let’s explore the possibilities and gain better understanding of what truly causes you to feel dizzy after driving long distance. Here are a few possible causes:

Binocular Vision Dysfunction

Binocular Vision Dysfunction (or BVD) occurs when your eyes are unable to work together in synchronization. For instance, your right eye may be looking at an object in the distance and see it perfectly, but your left eye looks at the same object and it appears farther away and unclear. This misalignment causes double vision that results in headaches, eye straining, and dizziness. 

Another form of a binocular vision disorder is Vertical Heterophoria. VH is another eye condition, where one eye is slightly higher than the other and therefore, they can’t effectively transmit visual images for you. In both cases if these eye issues go unchecked, you might find yourself dizzy after driving long distance. 


Surely, you’ve heard of vertigo, but does that make you dizzy after driving long distance? The answer is absolutely. Vertigo can be triggered by driving, certain head movements, and general irregular motion. If you’re riding and you’re over the age of 45, a few changes in your inner ear may result in vertigo and a dizziness that will stick with you long after you’ve hopped out of your truck.  

Exhaustion, Dehydration, and Heat

Dizziness is a symptom of many underlying conditions, but there’s a chance you could just be tired. According to The National Law Review, “Drowsy or fatigued driving by any driver can substantially increase the risk of an accident.” Exhaustion brings about many symptoms on the road and any one of them could mean an accident. Attempting to concentrate on unvarying terrain for longer distances while you’re exhausted can make you veer off the road or become dizzy after or during a long distance ride. If you choose to drive while sleep deprived, you don’t just have to worry about dizziness and that’s why it’s important to avoid driving while exhausted.

Other factors that contribute to feeling dizzy after driving long distance include dehydration and overheating. Water intake is important and truckers tend to lose track of how much H2O they consume when driving for a long period of time. These factors all increase the probability of driver fatigue and harm you in the long run.  

Tips to Ease Your Dizziness 

Dizziness after driving isn’t a new thing, but your approach to this issue should be. Whether you’ve been driving with this issue for years or you’re a fledgling trucker looking for ways to avoid this, let the experts takeover with some of the best tips TDI has to offer. 

  • Stay Awake While Driving – As mentioned above, exhaustion could be the reason you find yourself dizzy after driving long distance. For some help on staying awake while driving a truck, take a look at an insightful guide, but the key is to keep your mind and your body active, while staying hydrated. 
  • Take a Break – When you have miles to cover and a specific time to do it, taking a break might not be a huge concern for you, but your body depends on it. Set a proper schedule that will incorporate breaks into your long ride and defeat dizziness by giving yourself a much-needed break after a long distance traveled. 
  • Eat the Good Stuff – Believe it or not, the types of food you eat can contribute to dizziness. When you’re on the road, your diet can affect how well you perform and be vital in your success as a driver. 
  • Try Some Glasses – If your dizziness is caused by a visual condition, your solution might be as simple as getting a pair of glasses. Glasses can relieve some of the strain on your eyes and get you focused on the road in front of you.

The Truck Driving Experts at TDI

Finally, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help if you’re still dizzy after driving long distance. The Truck Driving Institute is a premier driving school equipped with knowledgeable instructors who have experience in the trucking industry. With over 80% job placement and a team of carrier partners actively seeking truck drivers to employ, TDI can gear you up to handle any problem that arises, including best solutions to dizziness. Contact us today to learn more about what else we have in store for you!

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