How to Find the Best Local Truck Driving Schools

Once you’ve made the decision to test for your CDL and begin a new career path, there are many things to consider. First, you’ll want to carefully select a truck driving school to attend to ensure you pass your CDL. Ultimately, finding a quality school is important if you are looking to become a truck driver.  

So, where should you start? How can you ensure you enroll in the best truck driver school in the industry? What’s the best way to vet local truck driving schools?   

Let’s explore 5 helpful tips for selecting an excellent CDL training program to help you on the road to your exciting, new career.   

5 Tips for Finding the Best Local Truck Driving School 

There are numerous trucking schools across the country. It can be overwhelming to figure out which school is best, so we’ve outlined 5 important factors to consider during your search for the best truck driving school. 

1. Starting Your Online Search: 3 Key Tips  

Once you start Googling local truck driving schools,” you may become inundated with results. Keep some of the following tips in mind as you browse truck driving school websites:  

  • Length of the program: Can you afford to be away from home for several months? If not, consider a shorter, yet super effective school such as TDI’s 3-week program.  
  • Tuition assistance: Next, find out whether the program offers scholarships or other tuition assistance opportunities.  
  • Successful graduation rate: A reputable school will be sure to list their student’s graduation percentage openly on their website. TDI’s graduation rate is over 80%! 

By looking for these three important elements as you hunt for schools online, you’ll be able to quickly narrow down your search to only the most reputable schools.  

2. Schedule a Physical Visit: What to Look for When Visiting the School 

After going thorough research online, the next step is to visit the schools in person. Be sure to ask about these specific things as you embark on your tour:  

  • Number of campuses: First, ask how many campuses the school has, to ensure there is a local school near you. TDI offers 11 campuses across 7 states, to ensure there is a local CDL training school close by most students. Last year, TDI had a 79% graduation rate and a 91% placement rate.  
  • Look for a professional settingDoes the school use only qualified and seasoned instructors? Don’t be afraid to ask about their credentials! 
  • Video games or real life? You want to ensure the school you choose teaches students on the same equipment you’ll be using on the job, not video game simulators. 

Making a list of questions to ask during your visit is a great way to ensure you won’t forget anything!  

3. Taking into Consideration Word of Mouth 

Ultimately, great local truck driving schools will come at the recommendation of many seasoned drivers. For example, TDI has trainedtens of thousands ofstudents over the past 46 years and comes highly recommended by former students 

Additionally, since 1973TDI has worked with 20+ carriers to help their students get hired after graduating.Because TDI’s trucking schools have a reputation for graduating safe CDL drivers, the program comes highly recommended by carriers, as well.  

4. Be Sure to Read Online Reviews 

It’s imperative to look for reviews from past students when researching a truck driving school. A reputable school will have tons of reviews on their website, easy to find. It will also have a variety of different types of reviews, featuring students from all walks of life who have graduated from the school and go on to be successful.      

5. Talk to a Program Representative at the School 

It should be easy to connect with a representative at a truck driving school when you need to. Whether you have a simple question, need more information or want to chat through your specific scenario, TDI’s customer support representatives are there to assist students every step of the way.  

From initial enrollment into the program through graduation and job placement, a great school will support your entire journey into the trucking industry. If you have any specific questions about the TDI program, contact their helpful admissions team who would be more than happy to assist you. 

Enroll in the Best Truck Driving School in the Industry  

Simply put, TDI is the best option for someone looking for a career in the truck driving industryTheTDI teamhas trainedtens of thousands ofstudents over the past 46 years. Our CDL training programs have a reputation for graduating safe truck drivers, and connecting graduates with the top trucking carriers in the business. Explore TDI’s truck driving school locations to learn more today.  



Get Started

Get your Class A CDL in our friendly, supportive CDL training program. TRAIN with experienced instructors – multiple good-paying, secure job choices with benefits available for eligible graduates. EARN $700 – $1000+ / week to start as a truck driver. Get started today by filling out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!