How TDI Supports Truckers Against Trafficking
Truck Driver Institute is a proud supporter of Truckers Against Trafficking. Truckers Against Trafficking is a nonprofit that was founded in 2009 and became its own 501c3 in 2011. They were founded to help fight human trafficking and save the many that have been exploited in this manner. Human trafficking is a serious issue that does not recieve the attention it deserves.Truck drivers have taken it upon themselves to join the fight against trafficking.
When you attend Truck Driver Institute, a part of your training is learning about human trafficking. Many don’t realize how essential truck drivers can be to saving lives out on the road. Keep reading to learn more about how truck drivers can help fight human trafficking.
Truckers Against Trafficking
Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. Girls and boys, usually minors, are kidnapped and held captive by people who often look unsuspecting. Victims are often recruited online, at school, or even in a shopping mall. In 2016, of the 18,500 children reported as a runaway, it is likely that 1 in 6 of them was a trafficking victim. The International Labor Organization reports that 26% of the 21 million trafficking victims are children.
Unfortunately, a lot of these crimes can happen at truck stops and welcome centers. These places are often in the middle of wooded areas or between states with a high amount of traffic. These locations make it harder for victims to escape but easier for predators to capture them.
The Truckers Against Trafficking award-winning organization has trained several hundred thousand individuals on the signs of human trafficking as well as how to react and who to call if they suspect they see something. Truckers Against Trafficking has created its own program called the Industry Training Program. This program has achieved great success in human trafficking identification.
- 2,692 calls made into the national human trafficking hotline
- 708 likely cases generated
- 1,296 victims identified
- 1,014,367 people registered as Truckers Against Trafficking trained
Everyone can help join the fight against human trafficking. Truckers Against Trafficking not only educates truck drivers but bus drivers as well. School bus drivers, motorcoach drivers and casino bus drivers all play an important part in fighting human trafficking.
Truck drivers play such an essential role in human trafficking cases that 11 states require that you take Truckers Against Trafficking training. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. Additionally, some states require that you receive the training when you renew your commercial driver’s license as well. More states are considering making this training mandatory for all truck drivers.
The best way to help stop human trafficking is to know the signs.
Identifying the Signs
The most important thing when it comes to human trafficking is awareness and training. Being able to see and identify the signs is key to helping someone. Along with being able to identify the signs you need to be able to react calmly. Truckers Against Trafficking offers a free webinar in English and that has also been translated to Spanish to help you become certified.
Some signs that a driver can look for in the victim as well as in the surrounding areas are:
- The person not speaking for themselves
- The person is unaware of where they are
- The person is being restricted from speaking
- The person appears to be addicted to drugs
- The person has a trafficker brand or tattoo (usually on their neck)
- Flashing lights that signal a buyer location
- Any van or RV that seems out of place and is dropping a person off and picking them up every 15 to 25 minutes
- CB chatter about “commercial company”
Many of these victims are homeless and young. If they have not been forced into trafficking then it’s more than likely they’ve been coerced or defrauded. Traffickers prey on people who are left alone and seem as though no one will notice if they’re gone.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s very important that you do not engage with the individual. Engaging with them can scare the trafficker into a different location before the proper information is collected. Instead, you should call 911, then the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, the number is 888-373-7888. This hotline is staffed 24/7. If you see something, say something. It’s important that these calls be made and cases are opened.
How Employers Can Help
As said before, training is essential. The more your employees know and understand the signs the better they can fight against human trafficking. If you are a bus driver for children, check to see if your administrators have strategies in place when you suspect a child is in danger. If they don’t talk to administrators about what can be done to change this. In addition to that, make sure that the children are educated as well. They can better protect themselves when they are aware of the situation.
Truck drivers can ask their carrying companies for suggestions on what to do if they suspect they see trafficking.
If you don’t currently have any training for your employees, use Truckers Against Trafficking’s services. Truckers Against Trafficking is a great resource for human trafficking awareness and certification. When you know the signs you can do a lot to help and save lives.
Join the Fight With Truck Driver Institute
Truck Driver institute is the best place to get your Class A CDL. In just 15 days you’ll have your license and have the skills you need to get out on the road and join other truckers against trafficking. No matter if you’re a man or woman, there is room for you in the trucking industry. If you’re considering becoming a female truck driver, here are some FAQs and more information about what it’s like being a truck driver.
Contact us today to get started with your CDL training at one of our many locations. TDI stands with and supports Truckers Against Trafficking.
Again, the number for the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, the number is 888-373-7888 or you can text 233733.
Get Started
Get your Class A CDL in our friendly, supportive CDL training program. TRAIN with experienced instructors – multiple good-paying, secure job choices with benefits available for eligible graduates. EARN $700 – $1000+ / week to start as a truck driver. Get started today by filling out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!