CDL Classes in Indiana

Truck running fast on US highway

Have you considered taking CDL classes in Indiana? If you have been thinking about becoming a truck driver, there is no time like the present to start. In just one month, you can go from daydreaming about CDL classes in Indiana and a new career to joining a workforce that could change your life.

CDL Classes in Indiana: Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

When thinking about switching careers or starting a new job, it is only natural to have several questions about what it takes to make the big switch. 

That is why we have compiled this comprehensive guide to CDL classes in Indiana. It is filled with information you may need to help you better understand what it means to join the transportation industry as a truck driver.

Why Should I Do CDL Classes in Indiana?

There are many reasons to start doing CDL classes, especially with the Truck Driver Institute

When looking for the best CDL classes in Indiana, you should keep an eye out for those that offer top-notch education, affordable options, and help with job placement after graduation – and it just so happens that TDI offers all those things and more. 

At TDI, you can get your commercial driver’s license, allowing you to do all kinds of driving jobs in Indiana, across the region, and nationwide. Truck Driver Institute also now offers training in automatics and ten-speed manual transmissions, giving you even more skills to help with employment. 

How Long Are CDL Classes in Indiana?

With the Truck Driving Institute, classes can take as little as three weeks. In that time, you can get through your classroom hours and supervised driving hours. You will learn how to drive big rigs and the proper trucking laws and safety information to keep you competitive upon graduation.

Where Can I Go To CDL Classes in Indiana?

At the Truck Driving Institute, two different campuses will allow you to get your CDL license in Indiana. 

The first is near Indianapolis. This facility was opened almost 20 years ago and has recently relocated to an eighteen-acre school with larger classrooms and updated technology, allowing us to prepare more students than ever before to join the trucking workforce. This location has plenty to do while earning your CDL, including visiting the Potawatomi Zoo, several museums, and architectural marvels.

Our other Indiana location is in South Bend, adjacent to the University of Notre Dame. If you aren’t in the area, no need to worry! Many of our students live out of the area, including in Elkhart, Gary, and even southern Michigan, Kalamazoo, and across the Midwest! 

How Much Money Can You Make as a Driver in Indiana?

The average salary for an Indiana resident is around $48,439, around $23.29 per hour. As Indiana is nearly last in the country for pay growth over time, it is not surprising that many Hoosiers have considered switching careers.

In comparison, the average truck driver’s hourly salary in Indiana is $38, and a truck driver’s average annual salary is a little over $79,000 as of August 2023. This means that truck drivers and other members of the transportation industry are considered some of the top earners in the state.

Is Now a Good Time to Become A Truck Driver in Indiana?

Now is a great time to become a truck driver anywhere, but it is a perfect time to take CDL classes in Indiana. Over the past few years, there has been a nationwide trucker shortage and a dramatic increase in demand. Because of this, it is easier than ever before to join the transportation industry.

Experts believe that the industry needs nearly one million new drivers to join the truck driving workforce in the next decade to keep up with the constant demand in the industry. Because of that need, driver pay has increased by a little over 8% across the country, and that number may keep rising as the demand grows.

Do I Have to Become a Truck Driver Once I Take CDL Classes in Indiana?

Like many other careers, once you have the training to join the industry, you often face more job options than you may have previously realized. 

While most individuals first take CDL classes in Indiana to become drivers, there are plenty of other options if you tire of living on the open road or decide driving is not for you. Some alternate career options include:

  • Driving dispatcher
  • Driving recruiter
  • Private owner
  • Mechanic
  • Truck driving instructor
  • And more!

While it depends on your skills and personal preference, there is a job for almost every kind of person in the transportation industry right now.

Why Should I Choose Truck Driving Institute for CDL Classes in Indiana?

TDI also helps individuals get hired right out of graduation. With connections at our TDI campus locations in South Bend and Indianapolis, individuals can graduate with TDI on Friday and start work on Monday.

CDL Classes in Indiana: Learn More with TDI Today

TDI has been helping truck drivers get behind the wheel for nearly 50 years. We have seen all kinds of trends across the industry, so we know what it takes for individuals to find fulfilling careers as truck drivers. 

Of course, to be a driver, it all comes down to getting started by taking CDL classes in Indiana. With our new driving campuses, professional staff members, and connections to the industry, there is no better place in Indiana to start your journey to becoming a full-time driver. 

To learn more about how to begin CDL classes in Indiana and join the trucking industry in less than a month, contact us today!

Get Started

Get your Class A CDL in our friendly, supportive CDL training program. TRAIN with experienced instructors – multiple good-paying, secure job choices with benefits available for eligible graduates. EARN $700 – $1000+ / week to start as a truck driver. Get started today by filling out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!